29 May 2009

Introducing -- Government Motors (GM)


So, let me ask the question of the brilliant Obamanation administration and his cronies in Congress: Did we really need to give billions in aid to General Motors to avoid bankruptcy for a few months? No. So, this bankruptcy filing is, in my mind, the admission of a HUMONGOUS policy mistake by the Obamanation.

All the experts said it was inevitable and the bailout was only going to delay the inevitable. So, is the Obamanation so arrogant to think that he was truly the savior for GM? Or, was he wasting taxpayer money to repay the labor union drones that helped elect him? Or, did he orchestrate the bailout to get his slimy paws on historically private industry? All of the possible answers point toward a man that is incapable of governing.

With this bailout, and the Obamanations guidance through the bankruptcy process, General Motors will now be totally controlled by the government...thus, it's now Government Motors. I, for one, have no plans of ever buying a GM car again as I've seen the inability of government to manage anything. Government has never run anything more efficiently than private industry. One way to make GM profitable is to break the union. The Obamanation will never do this as he needs the union support to back his re-election bid (God help us all). So, it is clear, government is incapable of making GM profitable, making the cars desirable to drive, and improving quality without doing the most horrendous, but most likely, thing: subsidizing. I fully expect the Obamanation to artificially lower the price of GM vehicles by subsidizing with TAXPAYER money to prop up his socialist project of Government Motors.

At a Hollywood fund raiser yesterday, the Obamanation said he'd pit his first four months on the job against any previous President. So would I. Only I would say it's by far the worst four months of any President (auto bailout, humongous debt-ridden budget, worsening of economy, a pitiful and racist Supreme Court nominee, stupid Air Force One stunt, weak-knee approach to N. Korea, weak-knee approach to Iran, a terrible national sales tax proposal on top of income tax that touches all layers of commerce, health care plans that will set healthcare back 50 years, etc.). I'm guessing the Obamanation measures success by how much socialism he's been able to pull over on the general public in such a short time. Makes me want to puke.

05 May 2009

I'm Too Old For This

Some people that do not or have not travelled as part of their job probably will not understand this, but I hate work-related travel. It's not exciting. It's not fun. It's not something to sign up for.

Granted, I haven't always felt this way about it, as pre-marriage I travelled quite a bit and enjoyed it for the most part. But now it's a different story. I miss my wife. I miss my son. I miss my own bed. I miss my church. I miss the security of home. I miss knowing that if something happens to family I could be there in a matter of minutes. I miss riding my mountain bike. I miss good Tex-Mex.

I write this from a hotel room in what seems like my home away from home the last few months: Chicago. It's a nice hotel. Nice people at the hotel. Great co-workers. And, I've spent enough time here to know how to get around easily, where restaurants are, where the nearest Starbuck's are located, and even how to efficiently navigate the parking lots at the mammoth Abbott campus. Yet, I still hate it after a few days. I'm on the 7th night of a 9 night stay and I'm way passed ready to come home. I'm to the point now where going out to eat holds ZERO appeal to me. Luckily for me, the room contains a refrigerator so I can keep some food and drink of my own and don't have to spend yet another night staring at my travel mates (our Dallas team has spent every day together for months now including 5 weeks on the road since mid December). Yet, I know more is to come...even though I have managed to get out of the June trip to Ireland due to vacation schedule.

Luckily, on the present trip, Rachael and Nolan were able to join me over the weekend and we were able to get out and see a few sites. Not only was it great to spend time with my family, but it also broke up the monotony of work. We spent Thursday evening at Wrigley Field (a dream for me), spent Saturday at the Shedd Aquarium and Navy Pier, and Sunday at the Lincoln Park Zoo. And that's the funny thing about travel; when I travel for pleasure, I thoroughly enjoy it even though a lot of the same things I hate about travel are present.

The project I'm on still has a number of months until completion and I know there will be more travel involved. I dread it. The only saving grace I have, for a period of time at least, is that when baby girl is born (yes, we are still deciding name) I should get a bit of a travel reprieve.

So, the best I can say is that I understand why I have to travel and I have to do my best to tolerate it and make it as painless as possible.

Aside: A big thank you to our neighbors, and to American Airlines, for the tickets to get Rachael and Nolan up here over the weekend.